How do you stretch your shoes to width?
Probably each of us knows the following scenario. We found ourselves beautiful, often expensive shoes from the latest collection. We tried them on in the store, they looked perfect, so we bought them. Unfortunately, when we decided to go out for the first time, it suddenly turned out that we are not able to go a longer distance in them, not to mention the journey from home to work. Shoes, which seemed perfect in the store, however, turned out to be too tight, uncomfortable and eventually landed deep in the closet. What can be remedied in such a situation? How do we expand shoes that we can no longer exchange for a larger size? Fortunately, there are several ways!

How do you expand shoes that are too tight?
Of course, it would be best to act preventively. So, before buying shoes, let's consider whether they can be stretched if necessary. The fact that there are several methods on how to stretch shoes in width, does not mean that absolutely every type of footwear will manage to enlarge at least a little. It very much depends on the type of shoes, the material they are made of, and the way the different parts of the shoes are joined together.
The easiest way is to extend soft leather and sewn shoes, because such material is flexible and adapts to changes quite quickly. It is slightly more difficult to expand shoes made of rigid synthetic leather. However, even in such a situation, it is always worth a try.
How to extend new shoes - tips
Jeśli nasze wymarzone buty są zbyt ciasne na szerokość, prawdopodobnie jest to spowodowane tym, że są nowe. Obuwie mogło nie być często przymierzane w sklepie, a zatem rozciągnie się jeszcze w trakcie noszenia. Ale jak rozciągnąć buty na szerokość, gdy nie możemy czekać?
Jeśli musimy działać szybko, to najlepszym sposobem będzie działanie wysoką bądź niską temperaturą. Jest to doskonałe rozwiązanie w przypadku materiałów naturalnych lub też miękkich. Najpopularniejszą metodą jest wykorzystanie suszarki do włosów i grubych skarpet. Najpierw zakładamy na stopy grube, wełniane skarpety i ubieramy buty. Następnie, ogrzewamy je gorącym powietrzem z suszarki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych miejsc, które są za ciasne.
Drugą metodą wykorzystującą działanie temperatury, aby rozciągnąć buty na szerokość, są woreczki z lodem i zamrażarka. Napełniamy woreczki foliowe wodą i umieszczamy w butach, które następnie wkładamy do zamrażarki. Lód ma większą objętość niż woda, a zatem delikatnie rozepchnie buty od wewnątrz.

How to widen leather shoes so they don't get damaged?
While in the case of relatively inexpensive artificial leather shoes, we can risk using different methods, but in the case of shoes made of natural leather that cost us a little more, it is very important to be careful. Therefore, many people wonder how to widen leather shoes at the same time without damaging them.
The safest solution is to take them to a shoemaker to break the shoes in width. Shoemakers have specialized equipment and preparations with which they can widen leather shoes quickly and safely.
Home remedies for how to expand your shoes
However, if you want to try the method on your own first, it is a good idea to use righthanders. And how do you expand your shoes with the help of righthanders? This method is extremely simple. Just place them inside the shoes and leave them for some time, for example overnight. An alternative solution, if we do not have such accessories at home, are thick socks. We can stuff the shoes with them and similarly - leave them for the night. Instead of socks, we can also use crumpled newspapers or paper.
Another homemade way to stretch the shoes wide is to use steam. We boil water in a pot and then heat the shoes over it. We then put thick socks on our feet, and once the material becomes warm and moist, we put the shoes on and walk around the house in them. This way, the material is sure to spread.
A proven solution is also to buy a special shoe stretching spray. Just spray it on the inside of the shoe, and then put the lasts there or walk around the house in the shoes.
Also read:
- How to stretch boots in the calf?
- How to fix a stained shoe
- How to refresh your shoes?