How to polish shoes? We answer the most frequently asked questions.
Shoe polish is only seemingly a simple activity that does not require relevant knowledge. In fact, not every shoe can be cared for in the same way, as this risks damaging them. Differences in maintenance are often determined by the material from which the boots, boots or sneakers are made. Natural leather is cared for differently, and different methods are used with artificial leather. It is also often necessary to stock up on different preparations for waterproofing and cleaning each pair of shoes. If this process is improperly carried out, damage may occur that is not subject to complaint, as it occurred due to improper maintenance. How to polish shoes? Here is a comprehensive guide.

How to polish leather shoes? Step by step
Before basic tips on how to polish shoes are presented, it is important to note when this activity can be carried out. This is because some materials require the implementation of other care rules. Do not polish suede shoes, textile shoes and shoes made of eco-leather. While no one is likely to subject fabric sneakers and sneakers to this procedure, footwear made of other raw materials happens to be treated equally. Shoe polishing is carried out only for models made of natural grain leather.
Mirror shoe polish - how to do it?
How do you polish shoes to a shine? This is one of the frequently asked questions, because shoes prepared this way make a spectacular impression. The mirror-like shine is best seen on the hard parts of the shoes. It is relatively easy to get it on the heels and tips, but the other parts already pose difficulties when polishing. Elegant men's shoes most often undergoes this activity. Mokassins, oxfords, loafers, monks or derby add prestige when they shine like a mirror. Women's half shoes made of grain leather can also gain a lot when their surface is turned into a mirror.
Shoe polishing is a rather tedious activity that takes time and patience. The desired effect cannot be achieved in a few minutes. Paste the shoes to the mirror requires proper preparation. To carry out this activity, the following products and accessories are necessary:
- properly selected shoe polish – This one should be matched to the color of the footwear. For black, a wax with black pigment, etc. will work. Some people also use clear shoe polish and treat it as an all-purpose product for grain leather;
- A bowl of cold water and a few drops of vinegar – This popular food product gives a shine to all sorts of surfaces. It is used for cleaning windows and mirrors, among other things;
- cotton cloth – You can also use a piece of cut T-shirt, which has been damaged during use, to polish shoes to shine.
To get a mirror-like shine on your shoes, first get rid of any dirt. For this purpose, it is worth using a slightly damp cloth. After removing the remains of mud, soil, etc., you need to let the shoes dry naturally at room temperature. Then you can proceed to polish the shoes. Using a clean cotton cloth, scoop up a small amount of paste and apply it to the tip of the shoe. After a while, the other end of the cloth is soaked in a mirror of a solution of water and vinegar, after which a few drops (3-4) are combined with the previously applied preparation. The resulting concoction is polished shoes with a cotton cloth. From time to time, a small amount of paste and 3-4 drops of the above solution are added. This procedure should be repeated until the desired results are obtained.
Shining of military boots
The polishing of military boots should also be preceded by cleaning them from the remains of mud, soil, sand, etc., which have accumulated on them during use. This activity can be carried out with a brush having semi-hard bristles. Very often dried mud can be scraped off mechanically, you just need to be careful not to scratch the leather. If stains remain after contamination, it is worth wiping them with a damp cloth. Sometimes the cloth needs to be soaked in water with detergent, so that the surfactants remove the more resistant dirt particles. Military boots should be left at room temperature to dry naturally.
How to polish military boots so that they regain a neat and aesthetic appearance? For this purpose, a special brush will come in handy. First, the paste is applied to the front of the shoe, then it goes towards its heel, polishing the sides along the way. Finally, a brush is used to apply the product to the area near the laces, which was previously left out. After waiting several minutes, you can proceed to polishing. You will need a brush with semi-hard bristles to perform this activity. In a similar way it is worth caring for women's lace up boots.

Homemade methods of pasting
What to polish natural leather shoes with when you do not have a special store-bought paste at hand? Homemade methods come to the rescue, which work well for many people. Ready-made shoe polishes contain waxes, paraffin, natural oils, etc., that is, substances with lubricating effect. They make natural leather more resistant to mechanical damage, including cracking or peeling. Shoe polish shows a great analogy with body care. Both use lubricating substances that leave an invisible film with a protective effect. Homemade shoe preservative can be prepared by reaching for:
- 50 ml olive oil;
- 50 ml of vinegar;
- a few drops of lavender oil.
The individual ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, and then rubbed into the shoes with a special brush or microfiber cloth.
Some people use household waste products such as a banana peel to care for natural grain leather shoes. Its inner part will be ideal for polishing shoes and removing dirt from them.
What to polish natural leather shoes with? Overview of products and accessories
Above is a closer look at the issue of how to polish shoes. This is a very important activity, as it affects not only the visual qualities of shoes, but also their life and mechanical strength. Dried natural leather easily cracks and deteriorates. In addition, it also shows a greater tendency to leak. At the same time, shoes that are devoid of shine, having stains and mud residue, do not look very aesthetically pleasing. To restore their attractive appearance, first get rid of the dirt, wait for the shoes to dry, and then polish them.What products will be useful to perform this activity?
Types of pastes
On the market you can find shoe polishes that differ in color. This solution has been carefully thought out. Applying black paste to brown women's shoes for autumn could contribute to a change in their color. Here it is necessary to maintain consistency and follow the principle of similarity. Black paste is applied to black shoes, brown paste is applied to brown shoes. The shade does not have to coincide 100%. Those who have a rich collection of shoes in different colors can make their task easier by buying a colorless shoe polish. It contains only waxes, paraffin and oils with no added pigment.
Brushes and other accessories
Shoe polish needs to be applied with a suitable accessory. In this role, brushes, which vary in the hardness of the bristles, will work best. In the case of safiano grain leather, there is a relatively low risk of damaging it. For this reason, you can reach for a brush with harder bristles. Shoes made of fine grain leather, such as calfskin, require special treatment. In their case, only a brush with soft bristles comes into play. Sometimes it is worth considering replacing it with a cotton cloth or microfiber cloth. There is a reason why shoe brushes have different colored bristles. This is because it can discolor shoes, contributing to unsightly and permanent stains on them. For black shoes, it is best to choose black bristles, for beige shoes white bristles.
Modern lifestyles encourage the search for products that would make everyday tasks easier. For quick shoe care, special cleaners have been developed, which take the form of a sponge moistened with a preparation. With their help, shoes are pasted, starting this activity at the tip and moving towards the heel. The cleaners are replaced with new ones when they become dry.
There are also special waterproofing products on the market, which are applied to new shoes before leaving home for the first time. They protect the footwear from leaking. Application of impregnants should be repeated every few days. Detailed instructions for use can be found on the packaging of a particular product. It is worth following it to avoid damaging your shoes.

Frequently asked questions
From the above part of the article you already know how to polish shoes. However, this is not the only issue of interest. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions related to shoe care. It is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of maintenance, so that the purchased pair will serve for several seasons. Unfortunately, shoes can be easily damaged by handling them in the wrong way.
How often should I polish my shoes?
Proper shoe care contributes to increasing the mechanical strength of shoes and prolonging their life. Shoe polish is an activity that should be performed relatively often, but it does not have to be done every day. The exception to this rule is harsh weather conditions. When shoes are exposed to moisture, contact with mud or road salt on a daily basis, it is worth considering more frequent cleaning and pasting. E.g., seeing a large deposit of sand, first get rid of it with a brush, and if necessary, wipe the shoes with a damp cloth. Once these have dried at room temperature, they can be waterproofed and pasted, which will protect them from the adverse effects of the outside elements. How often should shoes be polished when weather conditions are not particularly oppressive? For shoes worn every day, it is recommended to do it once a week. If they are shoes that are reached for several times a month, it is advisable to polish them once every two weeks.
What to polish new shoes with?
It might seem that polishing new shoes is an unwarranted activity. However, this is a myth that needs to be dispelled. People who wonder whether to polish new shoes should know that it should be done. Footwear often spends long months in storage or on store shelves, so that it becomes dried out, for example, due to the effects of central heating. As a result, natural leather can crack more easily. New shoes should first be impregnated with a special product, and then they should be polished with the appropriate specific. This will protect them from leaking and damage.
Is it possible to polish artificial leather shoes?
Artificial leather often imitates natural leather very well. It has a large number of supporters due to the fact that its production is carried out without the use of animals and is relatively cheap. Today, footwear made of eco-leather is characterized by relatively high mechanical strength. Is it possible to polish shoes made of artificial leather? This should not be done, as there is a risk of damage. Although eco-leather resembles natural leather, it is made of polyurethane on the outside. It is recommended to wipe the plastic with a damp cotton cloth and use special preparations for impregnating artificial leather. In this case, pasting could contribute to the formation of unsightly stains on shoes, among other things.
Is it possible to polish suede shoes?
Many people are keen on suede shoes because of their softness. Even natural grain leather proves too hard and uncomfortable for some consumers. Is it permissible to polish suede shoes? It is not allowed to do so. They have a different texture than grain leather and are much softer and more susceptible to damage. Footwear made of suede is cleaned with a rubber brush and protected from leaks by using a special waterproofing agent.
How to polish shoes in several colors?
Although black, brown and beige shoes are among the most popular choices, some people like to reach for footwear with a fashion twist. Designer models, however, can be quite difficult to care for. The polish should be in the same color as the shoes. However, it is difficult to follow this rule when it resembles a colorful mosaic. Pasting colored shoes is best done with a clear product.
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