How to take care of shoes? 7 universal shoe care tips
Favorite shoes are worth taking care of, so that they serve for several seasons. Finding the right model often takes a lot of time, since everyone has a slightly different anatomy of the foot. Proper care of footwear is the basis for accepting complaints, so it is worth exploring this issue to avoid the most common mistakes. While some solutions may seem comfortable, they contribute to the cracking and disintegration of fashionable sneakers or sneakers. How to take care of shoes so that they will serve for a long time and realize their full potential?

7 tips to help you take care of your shoes
Footwear care should follow the manufacturer's recommendations, which were included in the shoe box. Those who do not follow them take responsibility for their repair. Companies do not accept complaints when it is apparent that the defect was caused by the customer's improper actions, such as washing sneakers in a washing machine. When the shoes become dislodged, you will have to repair them on your own. On the market you can find footwear made of different materials. Natural grain leather requires different care than natural suede. In turn, shoes made of eco-leather are protected with special preparations, while fabric sneakers are cleaned in a completely different way. The following shoe care tips will help you systematize your knowledge.
1. wearing favorite shoes alternately with others
Both elegant women's shoesas well as sneakers or ballerinas need a break. Experts recommend having at least 2 pairs of shoes for the same season. E.g. one day it is advisable to bet on black moccasins and the other on beige ones. Shoes undergo numerous deformations during walking, it is necessary to give them time to return to their original form, otherwise the changes will be perpetuated. People who use one pair all the time wear it out faster, at some point it stops providing proper support for the foot. By wearing shoes in shifts, you can prolong their life.
2. how to care for natural suede shoes?
Natural suede shoes are considered extremely comfortable, as they are made of a soft material that conforms to the foot. Unfortunately, many people give up on them, assuming that they pose considerable difficulties in care and maintenance. However, this is a misconception, as preparations based on modern technology have been developed to prevent them from leaking and deteriorating. Suede footwear, including elegant men's shoes, is worthwhile to undergo waterproofing before the first wearing. Otherwise, they can indeed quickly become damaged. A special suede care product will keep it waterproof and prevent the leather from absorbing moisture. Impregnation should be repeated from time to time. Dirt from suede shoes is removed with a soft rubber brush. For this purpose, it is not recommended to use hard bristles, which can pull the delicate texture. Care of suede shoes should also not be done with paste. A rubber brush and a suitable product for suede will suffice.

3. How should the care of footwear made of natural grain leather be carried out?
Faced leather differs in texture from suede, making it necessary to care for it in a slightly different way. For this purpose, special shoe polishes and creams. It is recommended that they appear in the same color as the shoes. For those who have opted for the original shade of leather boots, there are clear polishes available. Shoes made of natural grain leather also need to be impregnated before leaving home for the first time. However, a different preparation is used for this purpose than the one used for suede. It is worth keeping this in mind, as the use of the wrong product can contribute to the destruction of your favorite pair of high boots, stilettos or moccasins. The polishing of natural grain leather shoes is best carried out with a soft cloth. If the shoes are visibly dirty from mud, it is a good idea to wipe them with a slightly dampened microfiber. When doing this, do not overlook the sole, as its condition also affects the perception of styling.
4. how to take care of artificial grain leather shoes?
Eco-leather shoes are becoming increasingly popular among people who want to reduce animal suffering. Some also opt for them because of their attractive price and high mechanical strength. However, the care of artificial grain leather shoes differs from the care of natural leather shoes. First of all, it is based on the use of other preparations. These should be selected individually to the type of material from which the boots, shoes, moccasins or stilettos are made. It is worthwhile, along with the shoes, to purchase at once a suitable specific for impregnation of artificial grain leather and a product for its cleaning. With this type of footwear, traditional paste will not work, as it can damage the material used.
5. Are sneakers and sneakers allowed to be washed?
Sports shoes can be made of natural leather, eco leather or textiles. Fabric sneakers and sneakers are often washed in a washing machine. Many machines even have a special mode to get rid of dirt from the surface of the shoes. This makes washing sports shoes an intuitive solution. Unfortunately, this way they can be seriously damaged. Sneakers and sneakers, as a result of getting wet with water, not infrequently become dislodged. Even if the scale of the damage turns out to be less, you have to reckon with the deformation of the footwear and its cracking. The resulting defects are not subject to complaint, as they occurred due to improper maintenance. How to take care of fabric shoes, so that they do not end up in the trash after an ill-considered washing? You should get a sponge, a bowl of water and dishwashing liquid. Using a kitchen cleaner moistened with water and detergent, remove dirt from mud or grass.

6. how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes?
The armpits, hands and feet are the parts of the body that have the most sweat glands. In hot weather they work extremely intensively. While the sweat itself is an odorless liquid, due to bacterial activity it is broken down, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This is what soaks many pairs of shoes during use. In view of the fact that even fabric sneakers must not be thrown into the washing machine, the inconvenience must be disposed of in other ways. Footwear care is based on various specialized preparations. Shoe deodorant can also be purchased in stores, which is sprayed on the inside of shoes. Fragrances contained in it mask the unpleasant odor and show antimicrobial properties.
7. How to dry wet shoes after rain?
Proper shoe care is based on avoiding exposure to high temperatures. Those whose boots, boots or sneakers have become wet during precipitation must let them dry naturally. Do not speed up this process by reaching for the dryer or placing shoes right next to a hot radiator. This is because in this way you can seriously and irreversibly damage them.
What shoe accessories will help you take care of your shoes?
Knowing how to take care of shoes, it is worth getting useful accessories. Care of suede shoes requires a soft brush made of rubber, while with boots made of natural grain leather a brush with natural bristles will work well. Taking into account the material of the shoes, it is necessary to buy a suitable waterproofing and cleaning agent. Pastes, creams and gels will also prove useful. Before using them, you need to make sure that they are suitable for the footwear in question and learn about the rules of application of a particular preparation. In Poland, shoes are changed seasonally to match the prevailing weather. In order to prevent them from deforming during storage in the box, it is a good idea to put in them right or read newspaper.
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