Which shoes to choose for tights? A comprehensive guide
What shoes to wear with black tights? Are bright boots with black tights a fashion faux pas? What shoes to wear with red tights? These are just some of the questions women face when they want to wear a dress or skirt in autumn and winter. Cold days are not conducive to displaying bare legs. They need to be protected from the cold, and tights are ideal for this purpose. But you need to match them to your outfit. Which shoes to wear with tights? You'll find the answer to this question in our style guide.

Rules for composing shoes with thicker tights autumn/winter
If you're wondering what shoes to choose with your tights to look stylish, you're probably aware of their huge variety. This one can prove to be our ally. It is possible to find the perfect tights for every outfit and footwear. Sometimes, however, choice becomes our enemy and overwhelms us. On the market you will find black, grey, navy blue, flesh-coloured, red, purple, green and even yellow tights. These differ in thickness expressed in DEN. The higher the number in front of the abbreviation, the thicker and more opaque the tights are. Furthermore, this fashion accessory can be plain or patterned. On the market you will find tights with a matt and shiny finish. How do you choose the right one?
Black boots to black tights seem like the perfect solution. As usual, however, the devil is in the details, or more precisely in the thickness of the tights. The most interesting styles with boots are those in which the black tights are see-through and matte. This makes them optically slimmer on the legs. Opaque 100 DEN tights are an extremely practical and warm solution, but they also thicken our thighs and calves. Some people wear beige boots with black tights because they want to play with contrast and achieve a more avant-garde effect. However, one should be aware that such a solution optically cuts our legs and shortens them. White shoes with black tights provide an even greater contrast and such a combination can be used when, for example, getting ready for a concert. To sum up, modern fashion allows for quite a bit of craziness. However, black heeled boots paired with black semi-transparent tights give the best effect, as they optically elongate the legs. This type of footwear has a relatively high upper, so styled in a contrasting way, it divides our limbs in two.
High boots
Light-coloured shoes with dark tights are not the best solution when we want to optically lengthen our legs. Nevertheless boots behind the knee solve this problem. These tend to go underneath a dress or skirt, making it impossible to see the end of them. As a result, it doesn't really matter which tights you choose to go with them. In this case, it is worth betting on comfort and health. Thicker tights are great for keeping you warm, although they also make your legs look bulky. If you choose light-coloured shoes to go with your black tights, make sure the black tights don't show through under your dress or skirt. If this is the case, you may end up with a rather unsightly effect. If your boots end mid-calf, go for tights in a similar shade. Medium-thick 40 and 60 DEN tights work very well here. They do not fully cover up like 100 DEN, but also provide better protection against the cold than 15 DEN. Tights and boots is undoubtedly a very capacious issue, when considering it, the length of the upper and our creation must be taken into account. When the upper covers the boots, we have a certain freedom in our choice of tights.
Women's boots
We already know which shoes go best with tights. Whether you go for smart women's shoes or sneakers, you should be guided by the fact that both pieces should appear in a similar shade. Choosing the right thickness is still key. If you're opting for simple women's sneakers on a flat sole, then intermediate ones, i.e. 40-60 DEN, will work well.

Wondering what shoes go best with a black dress and black tights? If you don't want to look too elegant, opt for black sneakers on a platform heel. You will then achieve a long vertical line that slims the silhouette. But make sure the tights are see-through. On the other hand, if you're going to a formal event or business meeting, ladies' pumps may prove to be the perfect solution. These are semi-boots with a sturdy heel that have a built-in front and may also have a strap that fastens at bone height. Unfortunately, pumps, due to their cut, can cut the silhouette, so choose tights in the shade of the shoes and opt for see-through.
Rules for composing shoes with thin and flesh-coloured tights spring/summer
The shaded tights are a model that Polish women have come to love. We like to go for them in spring and summer, when we want to achieve a glamorous look or a formal situation demands it. What shoes go best with flesh-coloured tights? Nude pumps or stiletto heels are best. These create a long vertical line that optically slims your figure and makes you look taller than you are. The rules for combining shoes with thin, flesh-coloured tights include a few important points. Firstly, choose a model with a matte finish. Shiny flesh-coloured tights always look unnatural and stand out from beige stilettos, while adding bulk to our legs. Our individual skin tone should also be taken into account. For each of us, flesh-coloured tights mean something completely different. Women with cool, fair skin need beige tights with pink undertones. Those with olive skin, on the other hand, can afford a warmer and darker shade. Tanned tights look caricatured in combination with a Snow White complexion. Remember that you can always see the contrast between your face, neck, arms and legs. Thirdly, if we only wear dark tights for formal reasons on hot days, it is worth opting for 7 DEN, a mist-like model.
How do you match the colour of your tights to your shoes?
Black shoes
Question: what shoes to wear with tights?, in the case of black boots and boots, finds a very simple answer. Black tights will work best with this colour of footwear. For boots and pumps, they should be see-through in nature. On the other hand, we can already wear thicker black tights with the boots. Regardless of the DEN value, it is very easy to find the right model. Black tights can be bought anywhere, even in the supermarket or drugstore.
Brown shoes
What colour tights to go with your brown shoes? If you don't want to optically shorten your legs, but lengthen them by going for Ankle boots on the wedge and platform, opt for a similar shade. Brown boots with black tights may not be the optimal solution, but a lot depends on the shade of the footwear. Boots in a shade of dark chocolate are easier to combine with black than light brown flat sole boots.
Beige shoes
Beige shoes to black tights, if not a carefully planned contrast, look rather peculiar. Such combinations are worth being wary of, as they cut the legs in two. Nevertheless, finding thicker beige tights is sometimes quite a challenge. These are much more rare in the range of well-known brands, and their shade comes out either too truculent or too orangey. With thicker tights for autumn and winter, it is much more apparent that they are not well matched to our complexion and look unnatural. However, in spring and summer, beige shoes can be paired relatively easily with flesh-coloured tights with a transparent finish.

White shoes
White shoes are returning to favour after years of absence, but they are quite difficult to style. Unless you go for over-the-knee boots or heeled boots and a long dress. In this situation, we can choose any tights we like and hide them under the outfit. White tights with white boots seems like a pretty obvious solution, but it doesn't always look good. But you can try it with an opaque model that doesn't show your skin. White shoes are matched with flesh-coloured tights in a light shade. They are related colours and can therefore be combined with each other..
Red shoes
What shoes to wear with tights when the shade of your footwear falls quite out of the ordinary? If you're opting for red boots, boots or stilettos, you can take one of several routes. If you can wear see-through tights, opt for flesh-coloured ones with a matte finish. Gloss always adds volume to our legs, which we would rather avoid. Red shoes with black tights look good as long as the latter have a see-through finish, or go for 40 or 60 DEN. You can also match them with grey or navy blue. Some fashionistas and influencers deliberately choose red shoes to play with colours. They can be paired with green, cobalt or iris tights. Undoubtedly, this is a solution taken from the catwalks to dare.
Grey shoes
Grey shoes to black tights is a common sight on Polish streets. Is this a good solution? Undoubtedly, grey tights of the right thickness go best with grey boots, stilettos or boots. These are much easier to find in the shops than the right shade of beige to suit our complexion. However, sometimes grey is quite dark and falls into graphite, in which case black tights can be a good option, as can navy blue or beige in a cool shade. Now that you know what shoes go best with tights, let's move on to the next essentials.
Which tights to wear with open-toe shoes?
It used to be a fashion faux pas to wear tights with open-toe shoes. More and more often, however, this combination is seen on the catwalks. You can afford it if the dress code is tights. However, the tights should be flesh-coloured and transparent. Go for seamless tights so that there is no darker beige stripe at toe level. With black open-toe shoes, you can opt for black seamless tights with a see-through finish.
Tights with sports shoes - does it match?
What shoes to go with tights when opting for trainers or trainers? Do these items of clothing even go together? As it turns out, sporty shoes not only break up floaty dresses and skirts, but also go well with tights. But it's worth choosing tights that show your skin. Transparent tights are best, and on colder days 40-60 DEN are ideal.
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